Flexible working hours, the ability to choose your projects and not having to sit in an office every day are some of the advantages of freelancing, which is gaining popularity all over the world. Over the last five years, as many as 3.7 million freelancers have appeared in the United States alone, according to the “Freelancing in America report: 2018”. How to start working as a freelancer and what skills should you have?
Graphic designer, copywriter, translator, proofreader, journalist, web designer, photographer, coach, and even personal trainer - each of these professions can be practised online, on your own terms.
The scope of services that can be offered online, of course, is much wider. Think about what skills and abilities you have and then use them accordingly.
Portfolio more important than qualifications
So how to stand out from competitors and win your first contract? Customers are not usually interested in a freelancer's qualifications. Instead, they want to see how they deal with a specific project. That's why a portfolio, preferably in the form of a website, will be helpful.
It should include your best projects. Additionally, the opinions of satisfied customers for whom we have worked can help. It is worth emphasizing the features that may differentiate us. This can be, for example, a specific area of expertise.
How to create a portfolio if we haven't yet completed a project? It is worth considering a pro bono project. You will be able to brag about it to future clients. If the implementation is at a high level, it may result in your next, hopefully paid, job.
A good freelancer should also have basic marketing knowledge. After all, to get a task, they have to advertise their services and convince clients.
Working at home is not always convenient
Working at home, at hours of your choice, without a boss standing over your shoulder is a vision that seduces those who are tired of traditional work. However, being at home brings with it a lot of temptations, which can be the source of constant procrastination. For example, a new episode of your favourite TV series or just one more cup of tea.
Therefore, appropriate work organisation, conscientiousness and self-discipline are essential. Being trustworthy and punctual are also useful - after all, no client wants to cooperate with a person who does not meet deadlines.
How to motivate yourself in freelance work? Some people find it helpful to create a special space exclusively for this purpose. Others, for example, use coworking offices. It is also worth creating a daily schedule, listing all the tasks that need to be completed, and then strictly following it.
Take advantage of the possibilities
Freelancing paves the way to great opportunities, but throwing yourself into deep water is not always the best idea. Before quitting your job it's worth taking on a few jobs to check if there is a demand for your services and whether you can earn a living from it.
Remote working allows freelancers to search for work in different parts of the world, increasing the likelihood of signing a lucrative contract. In an era of modern technologies, neither communication nor the method of accounting is a problem. For example, money can be conveniently sent to 30 European countries using the money transfer service available at https://conotoxia.com/money-transfer.