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Quit Making These 3 Marketing Mistakes

Image via Flickr by Jen SFO-BCN

Marketing has come a long way from campaigns that simply consisted of someone toting a sign that says, “Eat at Joe's.” Digital innovation has honed marketing into a sophisticated technological tool. Similar to constructing a house, there are certain digital do's and don'ts you must follow, or you'll end up with a toilet in the kitchen and a chimney in the tub.

One small marketing mistake can cost your business thousands of dollars and produce ineffective campaigns. It can alienate your audience, leaving a void that your competitors will be all too eager to fill. How can you resolve this situation? Quit making these three marketing mistakes, and implement these solutions:

Not Requesting Reviews

Yes, the truth hurts, but being left in the dark is worse. Guessing what your audience thinks, feels, and wants — even if you believe your conclusions are logical — is still a guess. In this digital era, reviews are an essential part of consumers' choices.

These reviews are akin to a trusted friend or family member's advice. Lack of reviews can kindle a new user's suspicions: Does anyone visit your site? If not, why not?

Visitors regard a torrent of adulation as planted or doctored. 68 percent of consumers trust a combination of positive and negative reviews. This mixture can actually boost your credibility.

Enlist push notifications or in-app messages to request reviews. Sweeten the pot with discounts and free merchandise to motivate user participation.

You Ignore Mobile

Mobile isn't a trend. It's a mainstay of daily life. Omitting mobile from your marketing is akin to a gas station turning off the pumps and selling only Doritos, lottery tickets, and beer. Mobile is fuel for your business and can't be overlooked. Social media, video, and real-time communication, such as Agora for social media, are its primary drivers.

Marketers must not only concentrate on their website but also their mobile capabilities. This is a necessity, since people spend up to five hours a day on mobile devices. Effective websites are enhanced for mobile, which boosts conversion. Your marketing will be much more cutting-edge if you connect with your followers on mobile, as well as on the web.

Targeting the Wrong Audience

Typically, a heavy metal audience is going to dismiss ads for a night of chamber music. The advertiser has targeted the wrong audience. He won't sell many tickets, and his business might be undermined or ruined.

The same holds true for digital marketing. Knowing your audience is crucial. Campaigns will fall flat if they court the wrong audience. Build a buyer persona so you can thoroughly understand what they desire. This way, you'll avoid focusing on the wrong audience. Be sure to accommodate their needs, instead of manipulating them to meet yours.

These are three landmines that might lie in your marketing path. Recognizing them can help you avoid perilous marketing missteps. Invite reviews, prioritize mobile, and target the appropriate audience. When you have strategy on your side, your audience reaps value — and so do you.


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