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Reasons Why Many Brands Don't Use Schema

If you're planning on improving your page and making it to the top, then it's imperative to have your website in optimum condition and to follow SEO strategies. How can you do that? You can do so through allowing Google to understand your content well with structured data. That way, it helps keep your website visible on search engine pages.

But should all brands be using structured data? While the short answer here is yes, there are some misconceptions we need to clear up. Using structured data isn't just an SEO strategy, but a foundation for bots to understand the website content.

Think of it as a relationship with an SEO company and their client. The more knowledge you get about the client's issues on SEO, then you'll be able to address them better, creating a successful strategy.

And when you use a schema markup, brands have the ability to control how bots will define a website's information. Read on as we delve deeper into structured data and schema.

Reasons Many Brands Don't Use Schema

You'll be surprised to know that there are brands that don't use schema! You might be wondering: For something that's very effective, why isn't it used by most agencies and companies? Here are some of the main reasons why clients don't have the structured data:

They have little to none of the resources

If a company doesn't have the enough resources to work with structured data, then most likely they will choose to ignore it and go with what they have.

The company isn't technical and do not understand the code or how to mark it up

This is a usual problem for startup companies or those who have just set up their websites. If the ones in charge of creating the website isn't familiar with how to use structured data, then chances are they won't use it, without the interest to learn how it works and the benefits it can reap.

Companies don't see or understand the benefits of using structured data

Similar to what was mentioned above, some new companies may not know about the benefits and how structured data works. Because of the lack of understanding, they choose to set structured data aside or not even hear about the term until learning more about SEO and improving their websites.

They are still stuck in the past strategies and behind the time

A lot of businesses still continue to stick with whatever methods worked in the past, either refusing to advance because they claim to know what works for them, or because they don't know where to start. And since structured data continues to improve and update over time, there's a chance that companies that stay with past strategies won't be able to utilize it and reap its benefits.

With these reasons being said, the main reason why companies don't bother using structured data is purely because of not being able to understand it, or they may have trouble getting the proper resources.

However, that doesn't mean these companies are too late and can't begin reaping its benefits! As long as they are willing to step up and make the change, they will start rising up. There are a few solutions in today's market, such as tools which allow companies to create, measure, and manage structured data easily.

The Benefits Of Using Schema

So, what exactly does schema have to offer, particularly for the commerce brands? Here are just a few of its benefits:

1. Higher CTR

When you have rich snippets which will shop your products on search engine results pages, you'll be able to increase the website's click-through rates. As a result, you draw even more attention to listings, especially when you've got legitimate and positive product reviews.

2. More Conversions

When you have rich snippets, these would increase the website's conversion rates as the more people who see the positive listings, the more chances of them purchasing from you!

If you have an employment website, then implementing structured job data will gain the website more exposure and better conversion rates on Google jobs. It will show up on relevant search queries!

3. On Top of Voice Search Queries and Features Snippets

When you have featured snippets, that's probably one of the best things to happen in terms of SEO. Your website is on the top of the results page before any of the organic listings! While structured data isn't an absolute necessity, it helps you earn that featured snippet, which improves your traffic and click-through rates. Plus, you have better voice search results!

Extra Tips on Using Structured Data

Now that you're familiar with why structured data and schema is important, what are ways on how you can use it effectively?

The unfortunate thing about structure data is, just like SEO, many companies would abuse it. One of the vital things to follow is to avoid being spammy when using structured data. Only use the data which is relevant to the website's content.

Those who don't follow that main rule would usually receive manual action from Google related to spammy structured data. As a result, your structured data won't be shown in search engine results pages until you cleaned your website and the action is lifted.

Furthermore, ensure that your structured data is updated, as everything constantly changes every time and there are new things that come out.

Through following these two main tips, you won't have to worry about receiving an error message. Simply continue to stay updated and balanced with your structured data!

Wrapping It Up

While many brands do not use schema for various reasons, it's still best to not ignore it. Organic search is now booming, with a ton of ways you can improve on it to stay on top of search engine pages.

Hopefully, this article on structured data and schema's benefits gave you an idea on what you should begin doing to improve your website's SEO. Use it as a starting point to boost your site and business today with a good SEO company!

If you have any questions or want to share your tips and experiences when using schema, then comment below. I would love to hear what you have to think.


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