Here’s a quick quiz for content marketers: Let’s say you’ve worked tirelessly building a solid, fresh, relevant integrated campaign. Blogs? Check. Email marketing campaign? Got it covered. Website optimized? Uh-huh. White papers? All over it. E-newsletters? Yup. Online advertising? Done!
But lest you believe you truly are done, allow us to make an off-the-wall comment: To boost the success of your online efforts, be sure to include an offline component. That’s right: Offline marketing could be your secret weapon in the age of digital. Exhibit A: This convincing blog by Jacqueline Kyo Thomas. She shares six valuable tips for marrying online and offline efforts. Here are three of them:
Speak your way to thought leadership. In addition to tried-and-true traditional marketing devices like direct mail campaigns and print ads, Thomas suggests that one of the best ways to market your brand is by getting on stage and talking about it. Public speaking helps build authority and thought leadership. Try local organizations including the Chamber of Commerce, as well as industry groups. They are hungrier for speakers than you may think.
Get back into print. Thomas points out that print publications have a healthy appetite for content that you can provide. The idea is that, instead of paying for ads, you author an article or op-ed. As Thomas writes, “Many publications offer a byline, and the exposure is really payment enough. This is a unique opportunity to speak to your offline audience.”
Be a real card. Some integrated marketers who work pretty much exclusively offline eschew the notion that business cards are important. But Thomas cautions that if you’re going to succeed at the offline game, “business cards are an integral part of your offline presentation.” She recommends a well-designed, informative business card. With a little thought and some creative graphic design, there’s a good chance that new prospect you just met at a networking event will hang onto your card – and remember you.
Want more on the value of developing an offline campaign? Read how direct mail and digital make a perfect pair. Then explore the best ways to develop memorable promotional product campaigns.