Now that we are fully into Q4, several people have reached out to me asking for me to resend my 10 Quick Tips for Facebook Ad Success….So, here we go….
Tip #1: Video, Video, Video, Video
Videos are better for driving Facebook views, engagement; people will watch videos and spend more time watching your ads
All things being equal, video ads on Facebook outperform regular image ads and other ad formats
There may be some exceptions, but for the majority of businesses, video content will win vs a still image
This is particularly the case with service-based businesses
Educating your target market as a service provider can be incredibly effective for establishing your industry expertise and acquiring client
Here are some quick stats to think about:
Video ad engagement vs images.....2x the increase in clicks...and more than 1x+ in conversions
The first 3secs of a video delivers about 47% of the value*
The first 10secs of videos contain about 74% of the value*
96% of FB users access the platform via their mobile device**
Adding captions to your videos has been found to increase view times by 12%**

Sheesh! Those are some strong stats that support video ads...This is consistent w/my experience too. My team makes excellent videos that consistently out-perform still images.
I hope that those stats inspire you to push forward w/ posting videos and using videos for ads.....PLUS, you can make some great 'Custom Audiences' (a future tip will be addressing Custom Audiences) from the people who view the videos, so that you can remarket/retarget these people who have already engaged with your brand.
*Nielsen Research in partnership w/ Facebook, Inc
** Facebook Inc. IQ
P.S. Message me to set up a Complimentary 30 Min Marketing Strategy Session
Louie Bischoff - Owner
Louie lives in the Phoenix, AZ area. She has had the opportunity for work directly with Facebook/Instagram in their SMB Advertising Area - where she learned many tips & tricks to make the 'algorithm your friend' for ads!! She has had her own marketing business with small business clients located throughout the world on-and-off since 2006, with an emphasis on Social Media Marketing and Marketing Strategy, Louie has her MBA in International Marketing from Thunderbird School of Global Management. Prior to focusing on Digital Advertising she built a career in the consumer product industry as a Product Manager. Louie was an award-winning adjunct faculty member at Thunderbird Graduate School where she has taught Business Communication/ Business Writing classes. She also lived overseas in Taipei, Taiwan for six years while teaching business communications with international companies. In addition to her MBA in International Management, she has her BA in Broadcast Journalism/English (minor) from the University of Arizona. Louie has two teen-age sons.