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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

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I am super excited to share TWO things that I'm launching to help you get more out of your trade shows. FIRST - Coaching Episodes! What's a Coaching Episode you ask? Great question! I will be coaching an exhibitor to help them get ready for an upcoming trade show or event! You will be able to listen in and be that "fly on the wall" in a real one-on-one coaching session! You'll hear us talk about goals, their booth, the show they're going to, their strategies and so much more! And I'm guessing you will learn a TON! Want to be considered for an upcoming coaching episode? Doesn't cost a penny! Just CLICK HERE and type Coaching Episode in the comments! SECOND - New Tool: Trade Show Booth Traffic Scorecard! The question I get most often is how do I get more traffic to my booth? Don’t just expect that because you’re at the right show that people will be flocking to your booth! You have to do some work on your end first. I want to help you all out there! So I have created the Trade Show Booth Traffic Scorecard. This scorecard gives you 25 ways to get more attendees to stop at your booth, and each one has a point value attached to it. Some have more points than others because some methods are just more effective than others. You'll be able to rate your last show and what you did to drive traffic. Then you can set a plan to get a higher score! A powerful tool that WORKS!! When you get your scorecard, you’ll also get a link to a video that will go through the scorecard line by line with explanations and examples. This can become one of the best tools you have ever incorporated for your trade shows – and it’s free! Just by being on my newsletter list, you will get advance access to it before it launches to the public! SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS so they can get their copy and do more of the RIGHT THINGS to drive traffic to their booth! Just go to My Website and sign up on the home page. Hope you love these new FREE tools just for you! Working hard to make your next show WILDLY Successful, Jim

Jim Cermak Podcast Host & Exhibitor Coach Trade Show University podcast

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Wow, Jim, this sounds fantastic! I'm so excited about these new resources you're launching. The Coaching Episodes idea is brilliant. Listening in on real coaching sessions is going to be incredibly valuable for anyone prepping for a trade show. It's such a unique way to learn practical tips and strategies. hill climb racing


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