We’ve all had great experiences shopping online. But many of us have also had our eyebrows raised by esoteric product pages that just confuse us. If you want to sell your products effectively, you need to focus on the way you design your product pages.
Good SEO
Before we look at the nuts and bolts of product pages, it’s worth pointing out the importance of having good SEO to begin with. If your site’s SEO is poor, your product pages won’t achieve their potential. If your business is based in Northern Ireland, Vudu can help you get more traffic.
Explain the Product
It might seem like an obvious point, but this is the kind of thing that many businesses overlook. If visitors to your website cannot quickly and easily identify exactly what the product is, and what it is used for, they’re unlikely to stick around to find out. What’s more likely is that they will return to their list of search results and head to the next website, likely one of your competitors. There’s no sense in sacrificing potential business by being unclear with your product descriptions.
Be Clear About the Merits
As well as making sure that your customers understand exactly what the product in question is, it is also vital that they understand what its merits are, and why they should be buying this product over other models or options. However, while you obviously do want to sell the product to your viewers, you don’t want to go overboard. Your customers should feel as if they are, first and foremost, being informed about the product, not coerced into buying it. Avoid using superlatives like "best ever" (unless it really is the best of its kind), and instead, keep your language grounded.
Use Professional Product Photos
Product photos are an excellent way of supplementing the product descriptions on your website. We all know from our own experiences that having a photo of a product to look at makes us much more likely to buy it. After all, none of us would walk into a physical retail store and buy a product without first taking a look at it. If you are selling your own arts and crafts, or anything that has already been used, your product photos will give viewers the best indication of the product’s quality. The product photo has an important role for any website and it is very useful. The picture you choose to represent your product will give the viewer a first impression of the quality of the product, so you should put in a lot of effort to find the best image to use. Design Bundle,for example, has free svg images which you can use right away.
Include Customer Testimonials
Product reviews are a tried and tested means of selling a product. When viewers see that other people have bought and enjoyed a product, it can often serve as the tipping point between buying or not buying a product. Testimonials are slightly different. A customer testimonial is much shorter than a review; it is a short statement that summarises a customer’s experience with a product.
Recommend Similar Products
Selling one product to your customers is great, but why not sell them more? When you shop for things online, you have probably noticed that, when you reach the checkout, many of the biggest retailers offer you suggestions for other products to purchase at the same time. Sometimes these are products that enhance the original product in some way; in other cases, they are similar products that customers often buy together for other reasons.
The internet is a fantastic platform for selling goods on. By shipping products directly to customers, you eliminate the need for an expensive physical retail store and staff. However, selling products effectively online requires a good understanding of the particulars of the internet as a platform for commerce. Time and money invested in your product pages will pay off sooner than you think.