Former Features Writer
Writing is not everyone’s cup of tea. It is not everyone’s forte to place some words in a sentence or page and then call it a masterpiece. While a person is not born a writer, he can definitely become one if he follows certain steps.
Ashwin Ranga, Author of Fourth Wave, shares that the road to becoming a writer is long but a rewarding one. However, the following aspects can help even better:
Set targets and hit them, every day
There has to be a goal set clear to wake up every day and work towards. Target helps us evaluate ourselves and helps us build our next plan of action.
Do not give in to self–doubt
Self-doubt does the greatest harm to human psychology and hence never ever let there be a day where you would doubt your talent or ambition
Never do it for the glory, do it for the joy of writing
Glory and fame fade away but the passion remains till the last breath and hence always remember why you started it all in the first place.
You must never be satisfied with your work.
Ask questions, ask for honest criticisms, and always look for betterment in your work. Satisfaction stops you from giving your best and deters you from tapping your unexplored territories.
Nadeem Ahmed, the author of Doomed in Dubai, shares that having an inner voice always works when it comes to writing. Apart from this, having a disciplined life also contributes to becoming a better writer.
Develop an Inner Voice
Firstly, the most important thing is, to be honest with yourself and establish the fact that you have a good writing voice. You have to put yourself in the shoes of the reader and be confident that you will be able to portray the message in a clear and concise manner.
Discipline and Dedication
Understand the fact that you will have to dedicate a lot of time to writing which means sacrificing your social life and time with family. Also, discipline and patience are key elements. Some days the words will fall out of your mouth with ease. Some days it will be impossible to string a sentence together.
Prepare Well
Do full extensive research on the subject you intend to write about. It’s paramount to get your facts right.
Appreciate Your Capabilities
Finally, give yourself the credit you deserve as an author. You get so immersed in writing and finishing the book that you forget what you have achieved. Everyone has a story but not everyone can write a book!
Geetika Saigal, the author of Finding Your G-Spot in Life, believes that writing, just as any other creative art, is brutally draining yet crazily exhilarating. She also debunks the biggest myth of books being written while sitting in a café or while watching the sunset in the flawless Mediterranean waters nor sprawled on the lush green grass of rolling hills. Here are Saigal’s 4 tips, to help you ride this lion and not get eaten up in the process.
Play the Part
Writing a book requires discipline. I call it a daily rhythm instead of a routine because unless it's music to your ears, you won’t be able to do it day after day after day. Whether your creative juices flow at the set time or not, sit it out! Choose your time slot, pick your favorite spot, set realistic goals - follow it you must. Each day will not be equal, but together, they will equal success.
Don’t let your birdie fly before you give it wings
The worst thing for a writer is self-doubt. It’s important you keep your inspiration, your story, your message, your characters, your plots, and your thoughts, all very close to your heart, till they fully take shape. Just as the oven door shouldn’t be needlessly opened before the cake is made, sharing your book-in-baking with even well-meaning close ones dishing out heartfelt feedback, can be traumatic. Let your voice be the only voice in your head so that you write the book you want to read.
Be your own worst critic
Attack, don’t defend. There are two distinct phases in writing a book - the draft and the final one. While the former is a bundle of emotions, the latter should be cold and objective. A true artist will always find flaws in his/her art. Rip it, tear it, trim it, delete it - make it worthy of your signature.
Keep your un-block potion ready
There’s no writer who’s not faced writer’s block…and there’s no one potion that can cure all. You need to find your own - the one that gives you a sense of calm in the middle of frustration, unclogging the gutters of your brain and igniting your soul once again.