Jim Cermak TradeShowu.biz
We are discussing Making a Difference at your events today so we can impact events and the environment long term! Proud to discuss Sustainability in Event Planning with Joanna Berens of Joanna Berens Hospitality, and the President, of the Sustainable Events Network, Florida & Caribbean.
Joanna’s hospitality and event career span more than thirty years, working in the DC, New York, and Miami markets. After 13 years with Starwood Hotels, Joanna opened her own third-party site selection and logistics company, Joanna Berens Hospitality, Inc. in 2006. Her passion for food waste began in 2016 when she tried to donate leftover food from a conference which lead her to become Zero Food Waste Chair.
Topics discussed in this episode include:
The low-hanging fruit to implement sustainability practices in one’s event
What is a food rescue and zero food waste?
What are other sustainability initiatives that can be implemented into event or trade show management?
What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
How does an event planner or vendor get started in implementing sustainability practices?
Joanna’s Top Takeaways:
Sustainability practices in event management are necessary to keep OUR industry sustainable!
Taking steps towards sustainability need not take a lot of time; just get started – the rest will follow.
Consider joining SENFC and getting involved! www.senfc.org
Contact Joanna Berens:
Email: senfcmgt@gmail.com
About the author, Jim Jim Cermak has over 25 years of marketing, consulting, and training experience, and has planned and worked hundreds of Trade Shows. He gets a little overly excited about Trade Shows, and puts that passion into helping companies get better results!