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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

10 on page optimisation tips

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

There is no doubt that on-page optimization is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to ranking in Google. It is simple, find out what your website needs and optimize for it! This blog post will cover some of the best on-page optimization strategies that you should be using to improve your site's rankings in Google.

Use unique, keyword-rich meta descriptions:

Every page on your website should have a unique meta description that accurately describes the content of that page. This is important because it helps Google determine what the page is about, and it can also help improve your click-through rate (CTR).

Use Title Tag Modifiers:

Adding modifiers to your page titles can help you rank for more specific keywords. Some of the most popular modifiers are: "How To", "Reviews", "Top" and "Best". This can help decide the intent behind the page and increase click-through rates. This is important because if Google finds you are fulfilling a visitor's need from the SERP's then Google will consider you a trustworthy source of information.

Internal linking:

Internal links are arguably the most important part of on-page optimization. This is because they naturally link relevant pages together, help define your content's topic and provide a way to navigate through your website quickly.

How to optimize internal links. Link to new content on the same domain. Link back to your home page and top-level pages in a few places. Make sure that all internal links are relevant, keyword-rich, and not overly aggressive (i.e., no anchor text spam). Using a tool likes can help automate this process using artificial intelligence.

Optimize Your URLs for SEO:

Every page on your website should have a unique URL. This is important because it helps Google crawl and index your website much quicker than if they had to guess the content of each page. It also makes things easier for visitors as well, particularly when sharing links via email or social media sites like Facebook. The information in your URLs can help define the content of each page as well. For example, if you are a plumber and your website is "" then it is obvious what the purpose of the site is about by just looking at the URL itself!

Keep your URL's short and concise. In a recent study by Backlinko it was shown that there is a correlation between shorter URL's and improvement in rankings.

Does keyword density help on-page SEO?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as Google has never released any information stating that keyword density does or does not help with rankings. However, from our own experience and from talking to other SEO Sydney, including your target keywords a few times throughout your content can certainly help. But do not go overboard! A couple of mentions throughout your text should be more than enough.

Write naturally and do not try and force keywords into the content.

Write Unique Content:

This one is self-explanatory. If you want your website to rank in Google, then you need to have unique content on every page. This means no copying and pasting from other websites (or even your own), and no using spun articles or low-quality content. Not only will this help with rankings, but it will also help improve your website's authority and credibility.

One of the questions I always ask myself with any part of SEO is "if Google didn't exist would I do this?". Google has a big index of sites, already answering questions and fulfilling searches. Think of a unique perspective that you could give. Include stats, data, and images.

Content that satisfies search intent

Content that satisfies search intent will naturally rank better. What is search intent? It is the reason someone is searching for a particular thing. There are three types of search intent: Navigational – when someone knows the website they want to visit, and they are just looking for the address/URL.

Informational – when someone wants information about a particular topic. Commercial – when someone wants to buy something or take some form of action (i.e., fill out a form, sign up for a newsletter, make a purchase, etc).

According to Neil from Sheffield-based SEO company Digital Impact Solutions “Make sure you are covering all stages of intent and thus the buying cycle. Google will not promote a website to the first page that is offering transactional content for an informational keyword.”

Write readable text

This does not mean that you cannot use technical terms or industry jargon, but it is important to make sure that your content is easy to read and understand for the average person. This will help improve user engagement on your website, which in turn can help with rankings.

What is readability?

Readability is a measure of how easy it is to read a particular text. There are a number of factors that can affect readability, such as the length of the sentences, the use of complex words, and the use of passive voice.

Wrap subheadings in H2 tags

This is another simple on-page optimization technique that can help improve your website's visibility in Google. By wrapping your subheadings in H tags (Html tags for headings), you are telling Google that this text is important and should be given more weight when ranking your pages.

Split up text with headers. Headers help organize your thoughts and make it easier for readers to scan through the content. It is also a good idea to use images to break up the text, as this will help keep people engaged with your content.

Structured data

Structured data markup is a way of telling Google about the different elements on your website. This can include things such as contact information, opening hours, product prices and ratings, etc. By adding this markup to your pages, you are telling Google that this content is important and should be given more weight when ranking your pages.


These are just a few of the many on-page optimization techniques that you can use to improve your website's visibility in Google. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your website appears as high up in the search results as possible.

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