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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

4 Lead-Generating Content Ideas for Your Digital Marketing Strategy



I'm all about the potential of content marketing. Since I have a coffee company, I generate recipe and blog content related to my products, and for one specific reason: customers should know exactly what they're coming to me for. These pieces of content act as lead magnets to build trust with my target customer. 

Everything I put out has the intention of bringing more people into my community, which includes both of my companies, JavaPresse and Stay Grounded. Every content creator or business has their own content strategy that revolves around this: they have content they give out "for free" to grow their community. 

Whether you have a blog, a podcast, or just share insights and tips frequently on social media, these points of differentiation will help you brainstorm content marketing ideas.

1. Create content around what you'd share with a friend who asks for help. 

Imagine this: you're getting coffee with a good friend, and they ask for advice on their business. What would you tell them? You're likely savvy at navigating how much information to disclose to a friend versus what you would share with a client. You wouldn't tell a friend every little tactic and strategy that you advise clients on. However, you would likely give one tactic that's worked for you.

I also use this guidepost whenever anyone asks me a question about my products or my experiences. One example is a frequently asked question, "Which coffee grinder should I buy?" I then treat these questions like prompts and create content around it, which leverages my time. When the question is asked again in the future, I can refer them to these pieces of content that answer the questions.

2. Create content that establishes trust between you and your target audience. 

Podcasts are a great tool to create front end, cold traffic. When crafting each of my episodes, I'm explaining to my target customer what they need to learn about my field of business. You can do this too, by asking yourself what basic information your customer needs to know about your industry. By doing this, you will connect the dots for them and forge trust between you, your customer and your brand.

3. Create content featuring insights you have that aren't directly related to what you sell. 

I own a coffee company, yet my podcast is not at all about coffee. Instead, I focus on the way I want my customers to feel. When they're holding a warm mug of fresh brewed coffee, what comes to mind is mindfulness and fulfillment. So, I'll create content that makes them feel this way with a subtle connection, such as "Three Ways to Live a More Fulfilled Life." Then, I'll tie in coffee. 

Remember that this content, although it is "top of the funnel," is not at all about jamming your product down their throats. It's about meeting them where they are and giving them content related to what you do.

Find topics that are peripherally related. If you specialize in digital marketing, can you discuss digital marketing trends? Case studies of companies that did digital marketing well? Or can you discuss must-know sales strategies?

4. Interview related industry leaders.

The majority of my podcasts are interviews, and here's why: conversation provides far more value than just me talking, and takes the pressure off the content. When choosing interviewees, I choose people who I personally want to learn from. 

Interviews are also great because more ground can be covered, without going too deep into certain strategies. Resting on the theme of finding success and fulfillment in life, I've interviewed hundreds of people on topics spanning from "How to Survive Anything" to The Power of Meaningful Relationships." Each of these topics is related to my brand and my company's brand. 

Another benefit: interviews mean more ears. The followers of my interviewees are likely to hear the episode, too-- which means greater brand recognition-- and according to my missions and values, more people inspired to live a life of fulfillment.

Content marketing is a pivotal time investment to capture your target audience and therefore, your target customer. The best sales funnels are communities that rely on you for advice, insights, and content that matters.

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