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5 Creative Ways Your Small Biz Can Repurpose Content

by Ethan Long

Content marketing is one of the most important marketing strategies in today’s world thanks to the widespread use of the internet. People are engaged with their phones and computers for hours each day, which provides businesses with an opportunity to capture the attention of their target market.

Content marketing is when a company uses related content to provide information and rank higher on search engine sites to help more users find their website based on their internet searches. However, after creating content on a regular basis for so long, it can be difficult to come up with fresh, new ideas, which is why many people try to repurpose their content.

This can mean converting your blog posts into videos by using affordable video accessories. Or, you can take one popular topic and expand it to many. Try to use some of these ideas to repurpose your content and keep that organic traffic coming in. 

What Is Repurposed Content?

Repurposed content is content that you’ve already used but in a new format. There are many advantages to this process. It helps prevent writer’s block as you can revisit an old subject in a new light.

It also opens the door to creating other forms of content. Maybe you’ve only been creating written blog posts for the last year. Well, now you can use the information from your top five best-performing blogs to create a video series or new subcategory posts to keep your information fresh and interesting. 

How to Make Content Evergreen

Evergreen content is vital to a strong content marketing strategy. This type of content is relevant at any time of the year, which is why it’s so important. These pieces usually cover a subject that people are always searching for, which gives your site a higher chance of being discovered.

If you’re trying to repurpose content, it is most beneficial to your business to repurpose evergreen content as it will always be applicable as opposed to more seasonal topics. 

Repurposing Your Content

Table of Contents

  1. Use the Best Performing Content

  2. Create New Forms of Content

  3. Write an eBook

  4. Share Statistics on Social Media

  5. Pull Questions into a FAQ Page

1. Use the Best Performing Content

Before you begin repurposing content, take the time to look through your analytics and make a list of the top 10 performing pieces. This will show you which topics are most important to your audience and can be a great place to start when repurposing.

Examine each topic and consider how you might be able to create spin-off posts or videos that dive further into the same content. Or, maybe you want to go in the opposite direction and take a piece of content on a very specific topic and make it more generalized as a go-to resource for your audience.

However, you decide to repurpose, keep in mind that you want to use slightly different keywords for the new content as you don’t want your two content pages to be competing with each other for rankings. 

2. Create New Forms of Content

This is perhaps the easiest way to repurpose content—create a new format. Let’s say you’ve only been putting content out on your blog since your business started. Well, with video on the rise, it’s important to get involved in all areas of the internet marketing world.

Take your most popular blog posts and find a way to turn these into informational or instructional videos to be reposted to the blog or to your YouTube channel. Not only does this reuse valuable content, but it may open the door to new customers who prefer to consume information through visual examples rather than written content. 

3. Write an eBook

If you find that you have a large amount of content on the same subject, you may have enough to create your own eBook. With so many online self-publishing systems, it’s easy to create your own electronic book and market it to your audience.

You can gather the information together and make it flow seamlessly, which will take some editing. Don’t make the mistake of just throwing 10 blog posts together into one book. It needs to be an interesting and cohesive product. Once you’ve pulled it together and published it to the web, you can include a link on your site encouraging people to download their own copy. 

4. Share Statistics on Social Media

For stat-heavy posts, you can repurpose the statistics in the form of Tweets. Every business should be taking advantage of social media marketing as well as content marketing because of its vast influence and potential to capture new customers.

On Twitter, users look for short but revealing pieces of information. Gather together any interesting statistics you may have on your chosen industry or topics and slowly share these as Tweets. People can engage with your brand on Twitter, guiding them back to your website to learn more about the company. 

5. Pull Questions into a FAQ Page

Creating a static page is another great way to introduce evergreen content to your website and boost organic traffic. A static page differs from a blog because it remains exactly the way it was created, whereas a dynamic page–for example, your blog–will change as new content is added.

Your static pages usually are found on the navigation bar and provide vital information that is relevant year-round. A great way to turn old content into something new is by pulling together questions that you’ve previously answered in blogs and turning it into an FAQ static page. 

Help Your Content Shine with Repurposing Efforts:

Featuring brand content is vital in today’s marketing world. You need this type of advertising to gain new customers and build brand trust, but it can be tough to constantly come up with new topics to cover. Instead of racking your brain for some half-interesting ideas that your customers may not even care about, why not repurpose the content you already have? Using your most popular posts, convert blogs into videos by using affordable video accessories and watch the traffic pour in.

You can also create evergreen content on static pages that provide necessary customer information like FAQ. Instead of expanding on a topic, you can also break it down into bite-sized pieces of information to be shared on social media. However, you decide to repurpose, just be sure that you’re using content your audience cares about and you’re doing it a new and interesting way. 

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