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5 Must-Have Apps And Resources For Event Marketers

Planning and executing a successful event requires integrated marketers to adopt a skillset that’s a little Don Draper, a little P.T. Barnum, and a whole lotta MacGyver. Rather than developing split personalities to deal with it all…you guessed it, there’s an app (or a hundred) for that.

Here are some of the best.

Tom’s Planner: Simplifies complex event planning and workflows, by helping keep track of who’s been assigned what, where, and when it’s due. Available for both mobile and desktop, Tom’s Planner creates easy-to-follow, bold charts and project plans that are simple enough to plot a school bake-sale but sophisticated enough for clients like NASA and DHL. It’s not free, but there are options to fit a wide variety of budgets.

Gate Guru: Take the pain out of travel. Besides helping make air travel seamless, with airport maps, current flight info, estimated TSA wait times, and much more. Since it’s also a part of the TripAdvisor network, spot-on recommendations about local hotels, dining and services are close at hand.

Eventbrite: There are dozens of fancy invitation programs on the market, but why pay for what you don’t need? EventBrite lets you publicize your event, solicit and manage attendance. There’s even a pro version, EventBrite Organizer (formerly Neon) that integrates e-commerce functionality.

Snapchat: Don’t dismiss the app as just being the province of Millennials (even though it is the undisputed leader at delivering that group): integrated marketers already prize Snapchat for its ability to deliver, unique, behind the scenes moments. The app is perfect for driving engagement among event attendees by creating a more immersive experience and by capitalizing on FOMO (fear of missing out) among those who couldn’t make it. And leading up to your event, you can generate awareness and interest with the Story feature to create brief “commercials” that can be viewed and shared for up to 24 hours.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a must for integrated marketers anyway, and this professional platform is especially important for trade and B2B opportunities. Even prior to your event, LinkedIn is a great way to build buzz with influencers and VIPs, and then post-event, for sharing the content you created. Besides the standard business pages, take advantage of showcase pages and groups to expand your marketing reach.

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Barb Ferrigno, Concept Marketing Group

We are passionate about our marketing. We've seen it all in our 46 years - companies come and go but the businesses that are consistent, steady, and have a goal are the companies that succeed. We work with you to keep you on track, change with new technologies and business strategies, and, most importantly, help you to succeed. It's not always easy, and it's a lot of hard work but the rewards are well worth the effort. 

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