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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

Are you paying extra for rush translation or is the service free?

Updated: Jan 30, 2019

Every job has two sides; the anxious side of the client and the determined side of the employee. Most people tend to ignore or are unaware of the latter side. The side of the person that is spending hours doing the job according to the wishes of the clients goes by unnoticed because of the urgency exhibited by the clients for their work. They may get an efficient form of quality work in hours but the motivation that was put into the work, sometimes even forced, remains ambiguous.

Yes, the clients are paying them to do the job. They are certainly aware of that aspect. But, there are times when urgent requests present themselves. In a notice of a few hours, employees are required to do efficient work toned with professionalism and breached down with quality. The anxiety-filled hours to keep the quality of the bar raised yet restricted to the time limit of the task at hand but simultaneously, wanting to exhibit the creative aspect of your skills into the project requires a steady pair of hands, a determined and motivated mind, and a professionally experienced attitude. It certainly is not everyone’s piece of cake.

Similar subtleties are found in the translation industry. The industry is surrounded by the need for a rush translation at every corner of the world. The need for a quality cut rush translate presents itself on multiple occasions. To eradicate language barriers and to establish a communication bridge, it is important to convey your message effectively and rapidly. No one is fond of late replies, I am sure.

There is often a time limit provided to the translators beforehand. But, sometimes the client is under the pressure of submitting the required translation in a hurry. You must have encountered a similar side if you have ever been to an immigration office. At times, people often forget to get a particular document translated to the language required by the respective institution. Moreover, medical translations are often required on an urgent notice because of the urgency of the document which is needed to provide healthcare. Official translations also require urgent submission because of the need to follow through the procedure, amend the changes or enforce a certain system.

This kind of services puts the clients under pressure. You cannot blame them because they are in dire need to rush translate documents within a very specific deadline. But, what about translators? Should they be charging additionally on such services because of short turnaround, their willingness to spend their potentially personal time on work? Or are the clients at an advantage here, because of their desperation and urgency that could result in alterations to the translator’s routine?

With companies, some tend to charge hidden rates with other aspects of the rush translation to cover up the rush rates otherwise obscured from the clients, branding it in the form of hollower promises. What about freelancers, who are bond to their promises to deliver fast translations? Here is how you should determine whether your rush translate requires charging of urgent rates or not;

The document:

You need to determine the number of words your document carries whether it is something that the translator can handle in the required timeframe or not? The content of the translation carries significant importance as much as the quality of the content. Could you have potentially submitted the work in the time frame, with the complexity of the document, the size of the document, had it been you who would have been honored with this certain project?


How much time are you assigning to the respective translator? There is definitely a certain amount of time that should be provided to the translator. But, is it fair with the nature and size of the document that you have handed him with? An average translator can do more than 2K words per day, but every document requires its own special set of skills.


At times, even with a rush translation, you are in need of a creative document. Your translation will put the translator to test in the limited time limit that he has been provided with. These services also vary the charging rates.


If you feel like you should not be providing this much percent of extra fees to the translators, you can always negotiate and arrive on the same platform in order to establish a similar ground regarding rush translate.

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