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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

Home Page Elements That Invite People to Come In and Look Around

Every site has a front door: it’s called the home page. It’s where first impressions are made, and where visitors decide whether they want to step in and explore your site or click away and take their interest elsewhere.

Even if you have a small company, customers expect much from your home page and your website in general. Both must speak to your target audiences while working on multiple levels to invite engagement and inspire conversions.

The elements below, summarized from a report by Lindsay Kolowich of Hubspot, should help you get more visitors through the door and into the sales funnel.

An Irresistible Headline

People have very little patience online. In fact, you have just three seconds to get your message across before the urge to click away sets in. Make this time count by clearly and concisely explaining what your business does and why customers should care. Keep it short and simple!

Alluring Subheads

A headline doesn’t always provide enough space to explain your unique selling proposition or point of difference. A subhead can help by focusing on a common problem that your product or service solves.

Remember to consider your mobile audience and optimize your type with larger fonts to make it more easily readable.

Crystal Clear Calls-to-Action

An effective home page helps guide visitors further down the sales or conversion funnel. Include two or three calls-to-action above the fold to help guide readers to the appropriate place. Make sure these spots are obvious and clearly marked.

Help your call to action stand out by using a contrasting color. Keep the message short and action-oriented: “Subscribe here,” “Schedule a tour,” or “Download your free report.”

Image Appeal

Visual marketing is more prevalent than ever. Your home page should be no exception. Use a compelling image or short video that communicates what your business is about. Whenever possible, use original, unique images that convey emotion and inspire action, while avoiding clichéd stock photography.


Remember, it’s not about you. Your home page should be more about the customer and why they should care about what you do. Don’t just talk about features. Talk about the benefits of your product or service. Make sure to keep the copy conversational in the style and vernacular of your customers.

Offer Value

To capture emails or generate leads from your home page, give visitors an incentive to provide their email address by offering free valuable content such, as an ebook or white paper on a relevant topic. B2B prospects in particular love to read case studies and success stories.

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