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Is a Full SEO Assessment Really Necessary?

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

While you’ve managed to get along fairly well with your website and blog, could it be that there are things that would help improve the company’s online presence? If you’re like most business owners, the answer is yes. In order to find out what sort of actions would make a good thing better, it makes sense to call one of the Toronto top SEO companies and have an expert conduct a full assessment of your pages and how they align with today’s search engine optimization standards. Here are a few reasons why this action will be worth the time and effort.

You’ve Never Had One Before

While the site has been up for years, it’s never been evaluated by an expert. The site has done pretty well in the past, especially since you promoted it among your clientele. The thing is that everything changes over time, including SEO best practices.

Some of the things that were done when you launched the site may not be effective in today’s setting. In fact, they could be holding you back in some manner. An expert can quickly determine what elements are helping and which ones are hindering the ability to grow. That information will help you make wise decisions about what to keep and what needs to change.

Traffic Seems to Be Dropping

You’re somewhat familiar with analytics and even use some free online tools to keep tabs on the site traffic. One of the things you notice is that users searching the site has dropped off a bit. You’re not sure why and it doesn’t seem to be a lot right now. At least, it doesn’t seem to be all that important until you remember that the goal is to increase traffic from month to month rather than lose it.

There are likely some reasons why your pages don’t get the attention they did in the past. It could be content that includes old statistics or other elements that are no longer relevant. There are also other issues that may be behind the drop. An analyst can pinpoint the reasons for what’s happening and provide ideas on how to turn things around.

Creating Mobile-Friendly Sites

Your website looks great on a desktop and equally well on a laptop. When it comes to devices like smartphones or tablets, things are a little different. The pages load slowly on those devices and they aren’t easy to read.

Given how many people use handheld devices to search online these days, this is not a situation you can afford to let slide. As part of the assessment, the professional will come up with ideas for creating mobile sites that display faster and look better on smaller screens.

Making Use of Additional Resources

There are more ways than ever to enhance the company’s online presence. While you do want to keep and possibly update the website and the blog, making use of these other resources is also important. A professional can point out what social media accounts and their proper use could do for the business, The same goes for posting videos on certain sites, preparing guest blogs, and creating a Google My Business account. An expert can help you understand how to integrate them into the online planning and ensure they make a real difference.

These are only some of the ways that a site assessment will help position the business for growth. Consider these and other various SEO scenarios that may apply in your case. With help from an expert, you could see traffic increase by quite a bit and bring in a lot of new business volume.

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Barb Ferrigno, Concept Marketing Group

We are passionate about our marketing. We've seen it all in our 46 years - companies come and go but the businesses that are consistent, steady, and have a goal are the companies that succeed. We work with you to keep you on track, change with new technologies and business strategies, and, most importantly, help you to succeed. It's not always easy, and it's a lot of hard work but the rewards are well worth the effort. 

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