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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

Marketing Automation for non-techies – Breaking it Down

In our last episode, Ryan Mansfield from Revolt Automation brought a ton of value about Marketing Automation and gave you some amazing tools to utilize – and 3 out of the 4 of them were free! And he talked about how these tools can help you be more efficient and effective when sending follow-up emails.

For those who aren’t so tech-savvy, I wanted to give my thoughts and help break this down even further. Wanted to give you some additional ideas on how you can make marketing automation work for you.

First – you’re going to need an email service that can handle batching your outbound email. What I’m talking about is having the capability to send emails to a group all at once, and not one at a time.

Now I know that many of the listeners are small businesses who are trying to cut corners and save money everywhere they can. I totally get it! So if right now you’re doing everything from your Gmail or Yahoo email account, it’s time to look at an email service. If the budget is super tight, try MailChimp as they have a free starter email service that is still surprisingly robust.

If you’re ready to invest in something a little better, there are lots of options like ConvertKit, AWeber, InfusionSoft, and so many others. Just do your research to see what fits your budget and what program will fit your needs best.

What these services will allow you to do is more effectively target the messaging in your follow-ups after a show or event.

For example – to make it simple, let’s just say you have broken your leads into 3 separate categories. One set of contacts simply dropped their business card in your box to enter a drawing. Another set you had a conversation with and you got them qualified, but they either had a low interest or they weren’t in the market to buy. The third set of leads you had great in-depth conversations with, they had a strong interest and maybe even were ready to buy now.

The question is – would you send all three groups the same follow-up email? I hope you said NO! But how many businesses do this today? I get follow-up emails all the time after a show that are super generic even though I may have had a great conversation and even scheduled a follow-up! This is confusing.

Certain email programs will also allow you to run drip campaigns. Drip campaigns allow your email recipients to receive customized email campaigns based on what they do (or don’t do).

Have Questions or Need Help? Contact Ryan Mansfield!

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