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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

Real Estate Marketing Ideas

The real estate market is intensely competitive. What differentiates the top and average players in the game is how they approach marketing.

Both novices and pros can use various marketing strategies to launch their real estate business forward. And if you begin doing the same, your business is bound to succeed.

This article examines some of the most relevant marketing ideas you can use in 2022 to boost your real estate business.

Know your clients

To fulfill your clients' expectations, you need to know as much about them as possible.

Use all data you have on your clients to get to know them better. Besides detailed demographical data, try to gain an in-depth knowledge of their lifestyle and habits, needs, and wants. Creating your target personas will help you define your target audience and determine the market segments where you have the highest odds.

The better you understand your potential clients, the easier it will be for you to understand their needs, address and anticipate them.

Choose your niche

Sometimes, less equals more. You can actually close more deals by targeting a specific group of people within the broad commercial or residential real estate domains.

When your marketing campaigns are targeted towards a particular audience, they tend to be far more impactful, as you can dedicate more time and resources to build expertise, resources, and credibility.

There are many ways to choose a niche you want to specialize in.

These are just some of the ideas on what grounds you can target your audience:

  • demographic: singles, young professionals, divorcing couples, newlyweds, international students, etc.,

  • geographical: school districts, zip codes, cities, university homes, etc.,

  • feature-based: pet-friendly, eco-friendly, walkable community, smart home, etc.

However, before focusing your strategy on them, it's essential to be familiar with the needs and wants of your target group. You can try picking a niche whose audience shares the same interests or pain points as you.

Polish your website

Outdated and poorly designed websites can turn off most of your potential clients, so think of giving it an overhaul even if you already have a website.

Here are a few foolproof ways to optimize your real estate website like a pro:

  • Ease of navigation. Make it really easy to find the relevant offers and information on your website through simple and intuitive navigation. It's crucial to ensure that your potential clients can browse through your listings smoothly, so you should add all necessary information such as price, specifications, etc.

  • Keep design simple. The design needs to be attractive, but too many design elements on your website can distract your visitors, so keep minimalism in mind when deciding on a website design.'s Midland apartments listings page perfectly demonstrates this efficient simplicity.

  • Post relevant, useful, and SEO-optimized content. Content can either make your website thrive or drag its rankings down. To avoid the latter, make sure you regularly publish new high-quality and relevant posts. To boost your website's rankings, attract more potential clients and get more conversions to ensure you've included the right keywords.

  • Improve the load time of your website. Both the desktop and the mobile version of your website need to be fast-loading to rank well in search engines. Furthermore, slow loading times will ward off your potential clients -53 percent of mobile users leave the website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

  • Brandify. Your website design reflects your brand, so make sure it's aligned with the values you want to portray to your target audience.

Create enticing listing videos

One of the must-haves in real estate marketing in 2022 is video creation.

It's a wide known fact that our brains process visual information 60,000X faster than text. As search engines always prioritize preferred human content, it's much easier to achieve a higher ranking on Google if you use videos on your website.

Video works exceptionally well for real estate marketing because it attracts more viewers and can convert at a higher percentage. When a real estate video is done right, it can make one fall in love with a property. A good property listing video can instill emotions that are difficult to convey through images alone.

Be active on social media

Your online real estate marketing can hardly be complete without a solid social media presence. However, it is not enough to just have profiles on the channels your potential clients use. You need to leverage these resources most efficiently by providing content your clients will find engaging.

Platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram are perfect for the real estate industry. Photos, videos, infographics, surveys, and quizzes are more engaging than text alone. Personalized stories, such as a short video of your satisfied clients moving into their new home with a cat or a photo of a morning coffee on the balcony on the first day in a new flat can be a perfect referral for a job well done.

You can read our article on the most important social media strategies for more ways to bring your social media marketing to a whole new level.

Use the power of influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is an excellent way for real estate companies to grow their reach and attract new clients. However, it is essential to know how to pick the right influencers to support your real estate business.

Even if the influencer has a large following, if their followers are not your target audience, the odds are high your marketing campaigns won't be satisfactory.

As you need to reach the people who live or want to move to the location you operate, location-based marketing is vital if you use influencers to promote your services or a specific listing. You should focus on getting well-known and reputable influencers in the community with a sizable audience. They should also be able to promote your listing or services in such a way that makes them relevant to the kind of content they usually provide.

No matter which one you choose to implement in 2022, any and all of these ideas will benefit your real estate business.

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