Starting a business in this day and age means having to set up an Internet connection. Whether it’s for market research, advertising, or providing online services, having an Internet connection set up in a business environment is essentially mandatory if you’re hoping to attract a large amount of customers.
Fast, reliable Internet is always the way to go, and while it can sometimes be expensive to purchase a fast business connection, the high bandwidths means having a more efficient work environment that has constant access to the online world. For those looking to install an Internet connection for their business, these are the most common options available.
1. DSL
This is the most widespread kind of connection in the world, and also tends to be the cheapest. This is the connection that comes through a copper telephone line, mostly in the form of ADSL, ADSL 2, or VDSL.
VDSL tends to be the better choice for a business, but even with the top VDSL package an Internet service provider offers, it often fails to be adequate for a business that has a large amount of online traffic, and is best used for those wanting connection to the Internet without paying too much.
2. Fibre
Fibre is set to take over from DSL Internet over the next few years, and is being installed in major cities around the world. Fibre makes use of special fibre optic plastic cables that are able to transmit information at the speed of light. The cables tend to be much hardier than their copper counterparts, allow for a much higher bandwidth spectrum, and is the new type of connection sweeping the globe.
Fibre also tends to be the preferred line for business use, and allow multiple devices to have full connection at all times – perfect for business use, streaming, gaming, and sports betting NZ.
Fibre also tends to be more expensive, both in the monthly and installation costs than most other types of connections. And there are sill many areas around the world that don’t yet have access to fibre exchanges.
3. Satellite
By far the most expensive option on the list, satellite Internet is aimed at businesses that are based too far from towns and cities to have a reliable cable connection.
An ISP will physically bolt a satellite dish to an area on the building itself that has the best line of sight to satellites passing over the region; and these satellites will beam down an online connection. Often prohibitively expensive to install, and slow speeds, satellite is best used by those that have no other alternative.
4. LTE-A
If you find that you don’t have access to either fibre or DSL, and the satellite option is too expensive, the next best choice is having an LTE-A router and SIM card installed.
This system makes use of cellular phone networks in the area, tapping into the bandwidth and providing fast and reliable Internet. The biggest downside is the limited amount of data available each month.