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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

Things you Need to Know before Creating a Website

When people want to find services and products, they google to get the information they need. Nowadays, many people will expect you to have a website for your business, and if you don't have one, you should think about creating it. But, if you decide to build a website, then you should do it right. Suppose you don't invest in your site. In that case, customers will probably have a poor experience on it, and they won't be revisiting your website.

Why is a website essential for your business?

If you don't have a website, you are for sure losing your business opportunities, and your competition, which owns websites for business, is way ahead of you. By creating the website, you have a chance to present your business the way you want, and your customers will be able to learn more about your products or services. Also, it is one of the most effective forms of advertising if you create it right. Your potential customers can find out your locations on your website; they can find out how to contact you as well. People are often in a hurry, so they usually don't have time to go to the store just to check if there is a product they are looking for. That's why they will be primarily searching for your site, and if they find what they have been looking for there, you will get more customers.

What should your website include?

Depending on what kind of business you own, decide about the looks and function of your site. For example, if you sell products, you can include an option of online shopping, and you can add images and videos of your product on site.

Here are a couple of main things you should include when creating the site:

  • A clear description of your company

You should describe your services or product right at the beginning to attract the attention of the visitors. Write about companies goals, represent your company as trustworthy, and make sure there are no grammatical mistakes

  • Include the simple site map

Your website shouldn't be complicated to navigate, and your customers should be able to find what they need quickly. If your website is too complicated to understand, people will probably find another one.

  • Include a call to action

Call to action should inspire your customers to take some type of action that benefits your business. It can be simple text such as "Call us" or "Find out more."

  • Leave your contact at a visible place

You have to make it easy for your customers to get in touch with you. You should include more than one way people can contact you (mail, phone number, social media profiles, etc.).

  • Allow your customers to leave a review

Include the option of leaving a comment on your site; that way, you can find out how people like your site and if you need to change something.

How to create a website?

There are many tutorials about creating the website; check them out if you want to do this yourself. It is better described in the video, but we will try to explain it in simple steps. The steps you can do by yourself for sure are:

  • Pick a perfect name for your site

It should be simple to spell and remember; find the name that hasn't already been taken. Avoid using numbers and hyphens, and use your brand's name when creating the name of your site.

  • Get hosting and domain

Hosting is where your files from the site will be stored, and the domain is the name of your website. These two things are crucial for creating your website. You have to pay for hosting and domain. There are some ways you can avoid paying, but they are permanent.

  • Install WordPress

WordPress helps you control your website, and it enables you to manage the site's look, images, videos, and functions on your site.

The rest of the things you have to do to create the website refer to the site's look and content. This explanation might sound easy to you, but most people need help with creating a website, and that's why they are hiring professionals.

Final thoughts

Creating the website isn't an easy job; you can probably make it by yourself by using google articles and youtube tutorials as a source of skills. But, if you don't have enough experience and knowledge, you can contact the digital marketing agency Chicago for help. A great site can help you improve your business, but a poorly made website could bring you damage. Invest in your site right away, because later it could cost you more because of all the lost business opportunities. When it comes to creating the site, you shouldn't be taking risks, entrust that job to the team of experts; they will make sure that your site will bring you more customers.

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