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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

Tips to Take Recruitment Marketing to the Next Level and Hire the Best Talent in 2021

Modern job seekers have the luxury of choosing the brands they want to work with, simply because there are so many employers to choose from nowadays in every niche. In marketing, and in every other industry in the world, the playing field is filled to the brim with competitors, each offering their own perks, benefits, and company culture in an attempt to attract the best employees around. And as you know, one of the best practices when you’re launching a startup in any field is to surround yourself with passionate, talented individuals.

Hiring has become a science and an artform nowadays, because you need to stand out from the competition and inspire the talented individuals to want to work in your company. To achieve this, you need to step up your recruitment marketing game, and create an inbound marketing strategy that will get you noticed as an employer, inspire trust, and appeal to the most talented workers.

With all of that in mind, let’s take a look at the top tips you can use in your recruitment marketing strategy, whether you’re starting your own business or if you have an established company.

Focus heavily on building an employer brand

Employer branding has become one of the most powerful tactics for attracting the most talented individuals in every field, and it has become an inextricable part of good recruitment marketing. In order to appeal to the best employees, and those who are going to bring the most value to your company, you have to have something truly special to offer. While people do care about financial compensation and various other perks you offer, they also care about the brand they’re going to associate with.

People no longer want to work for a brand that doesn’t share their values, doesn’t have the right company culture, or doesn’t stand up for the same causes. They won’t have a problem choosing one of your competitors just because they have a more appealing brand, so one of your top priorities should be to build your brand on the pillars of equality, transparency and honesty, diversity, positivity, accountability, and more.

Elevate the candidate experience from the start

Candidate experience is another crucial part of recruitment marketing, and it can make all the difference when you’re trying to hire and retain the top talent in your industry. If a candidate has a negative experience upon first contact with your company, and if you don’t improve that experience throughout the recruitment process, then they won’t even want to work for you – which effectively means that you might be losing out an amazing employee.

Needless to say, the candidate’s experience needs to be very high in order for the individual to want to work in your company, so it’s important to prioritize this tactic in your recruitment strategy. Make sure to:

  • Write straightforward and easy-to-understand job descriptions

  • Create digital content for applicants specifically like articles, FAQs, and more

  • Use chatbots to provide quick and accurate feedback

  • Leverage mobile recruiting to elevate their experience and get more professionals to apply.

Mobile optimization in particular is one of your most powerful digital marketing tools when it comes to recruitment marketing. It can help you appeal to a whole new demographic of talented individuals who are increasingly using their mobile devices to find the top employers around.

Attract talent with apprenticeship programs

Some of the most talented individuals around are not the people with years of experience, but those young job seekers who are driven and have a deep passion for the things your company does. If you want to bring long-term value to your company, retain the top talent, and thrive on a dedicated workforce, then you should consider setting up an apprenticeship program.

Nowadays, specialized apprenticeship companies offer these programs in numerous fields as well, and they offer talented individuals the means to learn crucial skills and gain invaluable experience in their fields so that they can become the most valuable employees on the market. By setting up an apprenticeship program yourself, you could get some of the most talented people to work for you and become indispensable to the success of your brand.

Invest in SEO and online visibility

For people to get in touch and apply to your open positions, they need to be able to find you in the saturated online world. If you’re looking to attract the best of the best, though, then you need to build a thriving online presence and make your website visible on the first page of Google.

People won’t settle for anything less, because appearing consistently at the top of the relevant search results means that you’re trustworthy and that you must have something truly unique to offer to your future employees. Make SEO your top priority in 2021 and you should have no problem attracting the most talented job seekers on the web.

Use social recruiting to build meaningful relationships

Social media is one of the best places to find talented employees nowadays, and there are many social networks where you can market your brand, engage your audience, and build a loyal following. When it comes to recruiting on social media, though, you have to be specific with your messaging and publish content and posts that are relevant to the individual and the positions you have open in your company.

Make sure to market only on the right social channels, and don’t waste time on the social networks where you can’t reach talented individuals. Use your social accounts to engage your audience in meaningful conversation, and make it easy for people to contact you and even apply via social channels.

Over to you

Finding talented employees can be a challenge, especially when you realize just how many options these people have at their disposal. Make sure to stand out to the most talented individuals by using these recruitment marketing tips that will help you assemble the best team you ever had.

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