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What Type of Marketing Is Best for Real Estate?

Marketing efforts are essential for the success of any industry, and real estate is no exception. People who want to buy a new house first turn to the internet to learn about listings and other resources needed to help them make informed decisions. But, real estate marketing is a crowded place, and in order to stand out, you need a particular type of marketing strategy that will get the attention of the buyers. Let's see what you should do to create such a strategy. 

What is happening in the real estate marketing industry right now? 

First off, the real estate marketing industry is very competitive. Around 60% of real estate agents spend part of their day searching for new leads. The National Association of Realtors has shared research that about 73% of buyers reach out to only one real estate agent or firm while searching for the perfect property. That means that the marketing content must be easily found to answer important questions of the buyers and position the real yes, knowledgeable profession. 

How to build a solid real estate marketing strategy? 

Several segments of the real estate marketing strategy must be carefully planned and executed to be successful and bring new leads to realtors. There are a lot of factors that impact marketing strategies as well, including economic climates, job markets, and interest rates. But the outline of a successful real estate marketing strategy is as follows: 

Doing Marketing Research and Analysis 

The best way to start is with understanding the target market. To gain insights about it, you need to answer questions like 

  • Is there a niche market in the area that you are expertise will serve best?

  • What are the economic and social factors at force at the moment? 

  • What problems, desires, and goals do your ideal clients have?

  • What will happen with your niche market in the following years?

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives 

Once you have defined your ideal client profile, you must set clear goals and objectives so your marketing efforts are always focused. You can use the SMART method to set the goals: 

  • Specific 

  • Measurable 

  • Achievable 

  • Relevant 

  • Time-bound 

Define these elements in detail, and you will have your goals. 

Choosing the Proper Marketing Channels 

Now, you need to identify where your target audience spends their time and offer them content. The most popular ones are: 

  • LinkedIn which is ideal for reaching upwardly mobile professionals 

  • Instagram or TikTok, which are great for targeting younger first-time buyers 

  • Traditional marketing, like mailers and billboards to reach families 

Develop an Authoritative Brand Identity

Next, work on your brand awareness because it is crucial in real estate. Modern buyers want more than just great service. They want to connect with someone who will help them achieve their dreams. Define: 

  • Core values and reputation 

  • Virtual assets like colors, logos, website design, and fonts 

  • And unique voice set by carefully chosen language and tone that your target audience will understand. 

Digital Marketing Tactics for Real Estate Businesses 

Now, let's see which digital marketing tactics are most popular and successful for real estate businesses. 

Content Marketing 

The phrase content is king is a cliché, but no cliche is more accurate than this one. So, you need to create quality content that will speak to your target audience and give answers to their questions. 

Digital PR 

It improves the online brand presence and leverages website design, social media, and SEO. 

Paid Advertising 

Ads on Google or social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn can drive a lot of traffic, which is usually very targeted. There are different types of paid advertising, including listing-based websites like Zillow and Trulia, pay-per-click ads like Google and Bing ads, and paid social media marketing like Facebook, Instagram, and X ads. 

The Role of Property Managers in Real Estate Marketing 

Property managers can be very useful in real estate marketing because they can help in several ways. 

  • They have the marketing expertise to highlight a property's best features and have already used various channels to reach potential clients. 

  • They maintain positive relationships with the tenants, which can lead to better reviews. You can use those reviews and referrals in the strategy, as social proof always does wonders for selling. 

  • Property managers can even do real estate marketing for you while you have time to focus on other aspects of the business. They work with marketing professionals to help them create a strategy tailored to your real estate property. 


An excellent real estate marketing strategy combines good market research, setting goals, and the right mix of digital and traditional marketing tactics. All types of marketing mentioned above in the text can help in creating a marketing strategy that sells. However, you need to know that you must always stay ahead, look at the competition, and establish a dynamic approach that adjusts to the market conditions and consumer needs. Only then will your marketing strategy bring you business success.

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Barb Ferrigno, Concept Marketing Group

We are passionate about our marketing. We've seen it all in our 46 years - companies come and go but the businesses that are consistent, steady, and have a goal are the companies that succeed. We work with you to keep you on track, change with new technologies and business strategies, and, most importantly, help you to succeed. It's not always easy, and it's a lot of hard work but the rewards are well worth the effort. 

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