Jim Cermak
Convention & Visitors Bureaus (CVB) and Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) can be a huge asset to your company when planning, exhibiting, or sponsoring an event! Joining me on this episode is expert Michelle Moor of Experience Kissimmee!
Michelle Moore is the Sr. Director of Meeting Sales and Services at Experience Kissimmee, the official CVB for Kissimmee, Florida. Michelle is approaching two decades crafting her sales and marketing skills in Central Florida with top brands in the industry from hotels to CVBs. Michelle’s expertise includes hotel convention and Travel Industry sales, international marketing, and destination meeting sales and services. Michelle also serves on the MPI Greater Orlando Chapter Board of Directors and volunteers on the Destinations International Convention Sales and Services Committee.
Michelle really dives into and explains the Value of Working with a DMO/CVB (from planner to exhibitor)
Other questions she answers:
What are some of the complimentary services available to an event planner?
What are some of the services available to an exhibitor?
What is the difference between a DMC and a CVB?
Can a DMO/CVB cater to customized requests or are they required to provide information from all member or partner businesses?
Michelle’s top tips:
Engage with the destination, local DMO/CVB at beginning of your planning process for savings in time and money. This is a free service for event planners.
Struggling with ideas for engagement or attendance building, talk with the DMO/CVB in the destination where you are holding your meeting.
Planners will want to engage with a CVB in the initial phase of planning to learn about potential incentives available to help offset costs.
DMO/CVBs are valuable resources for event planners and exhibitors, helping navigate a destination for vendor connections that match their needs (and this service is free!). Although each DMO/CVB may be set up or operates a little differently than others, at the core of all DMO/CVB models is service and knowledge of the destination. When resources are less and time is limited, a CVB can serve as an extension of your planning team.
Check out this amazing offer!!
To help off-site meeting organizations costs, we offer a booking incentive called It Pays to Meet In Kissimmee – planners must register prior to signing a Kissimmee hotel contract to qualify. Earn up to $10,000 cashback!
How to Connect with Michelle Moore:
Website: experiencekissimmee.com/meetings
Phone: 407-569-4831
LinkedIn, email: mmoore@experiencekissimmee.com
About the author, Jim Jim Cermak has over 25 years of marketing, consulting and training experience, and has planned and worked hundreds of Trade Shows. He gets a little overly excited about Trade Shows, and puts that passion into helping companies get better results!