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Writer's pictureBarb Ferrigno

Be a Pinterest Boss: How to Use Pinterest to Grow Traffic to Your Blog?

Just imagine: You have truckloads of research to write a fantastic blog post and have published it on your website. Then why are you not getting lots of readers? 

Are you promoting it well on Pinterest?

 While writing a blog post, it becomes essential to drive traffic to it for a good return on investment (ROI). 

Pinterest has slowly but gradually become a site where people love to read the articles of their choice. However, the most critical question is, how?

We will try to answer this question in the forthcoming sections of this write-up. 

The Primary Reason for Using Pinterest for Business

Pinterest is very much like Facebook and Twitter. We are aware of how it works, you pin something, it gets re-pinned, and if you do it well, chances are, your pin continues to get re-pinned until it has received thousands of re-pins.

The fantastic thing is, the pins last for a pretty long time and can continue to drive traffic on your site for weeks, months, and even literary years after you have to pin something.

In simple words, it is excellent for business, and this makes it imperative for you to spare your time to learn to maximize your efforts to get amazing results. 

According to a blog posted by TechCrunch”, In the year 2012, Pinterest crossed more than 10 million unique visitors, making it one of the fastest-growing websites ever. In a few months, visits to Pinterest grew by 4000%, receiving 11 million hits in just a single week.

Do you need any more reasons for using Pinterest for your business? If you are still not convinced, then here are some statistics to showcase the power of Pinterest.

The reason behind using Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

 Dive into these astounding facts:

  • A pin is 100 times more distinguishable than your average tweet.

  • Each pin can boost up to 2-page visits and six-page views.

  • Ecommerce sites get profited from pinning as each pin can generate 78 cents.

  • According to stats from Pinterest’s IPO filing, over half of the millennial population in the US (born 1983-1998) uses it every month.

  • 28% of global marketers are already using Pinterest for promotion. 

  • Pinterest’s revenue topped $1 billion in 2019

By now, you must have been aware of how much Pinterest loves bloggers and has a longer blog shelf life than any other platform. Not only this, but it can also drive more traffic from search than social media. This goes to showcase the overall importance of leveraging Pinterest marketing.

How to Add more Pin Graphics without Cluttering Your Posts?

A new blog post and content every day sounds simply fatigued. But don’t fret, because creating new blog posts for Pinterest ain’t a trouble at all!

Pins are a central part of the Pinterest experience, and they are how users discover new content. Fresh content published on Pinterest means to love from Pinterest, which means new eyes on your content, traffic, subscribers, sales, and standout among millions of others. Schedule these new pins on intervals (1 a day over 30 days) to the new boards.

Even if businesses aren’t creating original content for Pinterest, they still can provide tons of value to their followers through Repins. 

Things to do to get more traffic from Pinterest

Like most things on the internet, Pinterest is kind of a mystery. You can use Pinterest for your business or blog. You can even use it for your cat or your first date. Most bloggers make money one way or another by utilizing Pinterest. 

Here are a few things that you can do to get more traffic from Pinterest.

Table of Contents

  1. Switch to a “Pinterest for Business” Account to Check Out the Analytics

  2. Never Try to Spam Your Followers

  3. Follow Other Creatives in Your Niche

  4. Upload a Well Branded, Personality-Driven Bio Photo

  5. Add Keywords to Your Profile Name

  6. Verify Your Website URL

  7. Write Descriptive, Yet Personality-Driven Bio

  8. Arrange Your Boards to Showcase the Most Important Ones First

  9. Create a Lovely Visual Theme that Syncs with Your Brand Throughout All Your Board Covers

  10. Make Your Board Titles and Descriptions SEO Friendly

  11. Write Lengthy, Keyword-Centric Descriptions for Your Pins

  12. Pin Tall, Vertical Images Instead of Horizontal Ones

  13. Sign Up for “RICH PINS”

  14. Use Super Handy Feature “SECRET BOARDS” for Most Irrelevant Personal Boards

1. Switch to a “Pinterest for Business” Account to Check Out the Analytics

Switching to a “Pinterest for Business” account helps you know which pins end up getting more popular by using Pinterest’s free tool Pinterest Analytics. This way, you can easily repin them to other boards later on! Isn’t that wonderful?

For example, you can check and track your website’s traffic and accordingly spruce up your site and ensure it’s optimized for all the devices.

In addition to this, a business account is a must, especially when you wish to do things like run a promoted pin. It is like killing two birds with a single arrow!

It is effortless to join the group of “Pinterest for business.”

We are now assuming that you already have a Pinterest account. If so, it is straightforward to convert to a business account. The good news is that it will have zero effect on your current boards, pins, or followers. Aren’t you relieved hearing this?

Click here to follow the steps to sign up as a business account or switch your account!

2. Never Try to Spam Your Followers

It is quite annoying when someone tries to shove their content down the people’s throats. 

In simple words, it looks as you are doing self-promotion in case you pin the content only from your website. 

For example, look over the below image. It seems worse when looking at it on your screen, and the three pins take up the whole screen!

Never be afraid of sharing valuable content with others. 

A rule of thumb: Stick to 50/50 rule. Try to pin at least 50% of the quality content from other sources and the rest 50% pin from your website. 

3. Follow Other Creatives in Your Niche

No one wants to be a lone wolf on Pinterest. Keeping that in mind, you must follow other intelligent accounts in your blogging and business niche.

This way, you will be able to check out and pin more content that is good for your followers.

4. Upload a Well Branded, Personality-Driven Bio Photo

The most important thing while using Pinterest for business is to have a well-branded profile photo. 

In case you do not have one, a scary red pin icon will get reflected, and it will not create a good impression in your followers' minds.

Remember, you are on Pinterest to grow your traffic. And you will not get many followers if people are secretly wondering whether you are a hacker, spammer, or a sleazeball!

Having a professional photo of your brand creates a better image in the minds of your followers. 

Look at the following example of Nicole of Treasure Tromp, those fun and funny photos clearly show travel and lifestyle that’s going places and having a lot of fun doing it!

A tip to remember: Have the same impressive profile pic across all your social media accounts for consistency!

5. Add Keywords to Your Profile Name

If you wish to be searchable in your area of expertise, it is imperative to add specific keywords after your name—for example, Entrepreneur + Blogger. 

In simple words, it can be something like “Victor | DIY Blogger” or “Charles | Running Coach.”

Alternatively, you can even add your name to your business straight after your name. For example, look at how Elsie does it here.

6. Verify Your Website URL

Ensure that every social media account of yours consists of information about your website and include Pinterest.

By verifying your website's URL, you can make it look official and let people know that you are the website's owner, and it is a legitimate business.

And since you already have created a business account by now, it will enable you to start seeing the insightful analytics about pins from your website. 

Click here to verify your website URL.

7. Write Descriptive, Yet Personality-Driven Bio

You will not have a lot of space to write; hence, keep your bio crisp and sweet.

It should answer some questions like: Who do you help? How do you help them? Why should someone follow you on Pinterest?

So, while writing your bio, ensure that you showcase your quirks along with interests. Think about ways you can stand out. The most important thing is to be you while writing the bio. So, stop procrastinating and get started now!

Follow the below example.

[Company name] is [what your company is]. Follow us here to [what you offer your followers] and keep updated on our posts.

8. Arrange Your Boards to Showcase the Most Important Ones First

Everyone in this fast-moving world is busy. Hence, no one would wait on your website to scroll down.

This is the reason due to which the first row of your Pinterest boards needs to be excellent.

Showcase the brand-relevant and most brilliant boards first.

9. Create a Lovely Visual Theme that Syncs with Your Brand Throughout All Your Board Covers

Always keep in mind: The most cohesive brands pull out a together look. 

Pinterest is an incredibly visual platform; however, if you showcase cluttered boards with low-quality images, it will never work. (Is poop appealing? Not really!)

There are two ways to get a cohesive look on your Pinterest website.

  • Ensure that your boards sync together in terms of similar color and composition.

  • Create your own custom board cover images.

10. Make Your Board Titles and Descriptions SEO Friendly

It is always great to come up with clever titles for your incredible Pinterest boards.

Always think of Pinterest as one pretty big search engine. 

The only way search engines work is by searching through keywords

The first thing you need to do is write SEO-friendly titles and descriptions for your Pinterest boards.

You might have observed that whenever you click on a board, keywords are utilized in the board description, but it also includes a hashtag to interact with your brand. 

However, we suggest you never include hashtags in your pin descriptions as it can have a drastic impact on your pin results in the smart feed. (We have explained this in detail in the next point.)

11. Write Lengthy, Keyword-Centric Descriptions for Your Pins

Never be lazy with your pins by ignoring the customization of the description area. This is one big, fat mistake.

Also, never neglect using keywords in your pin's description.

Contemplate hard on the 2-4 sentences that someone might use to search for your pin and use the exact words. For example, How to... Or Ways to connect with your readers".

Did you get what I am trying to say here?

12. Pin Tall, Vertical Images Instead of Horizontal Ones

If you use only horizontal images on all the pins from your blog, the results would be lackluster. However, there are lots of dominant vertical pictures on Pinterest. The reason being, vertical images reflect more significance in the Pinterest feed, which makes them prevalent.

Hence, my suggestion is to use at least one clear, excellent, scintillating vertical image in each blog post.

Also, do not forget to include some text that reflects what the pin is all about.

The standard size is 735 x 1102, but you can even go taller than this.

A short video on YouTube showing how to make the 1000px x 1500px Tall Vertical Pins for Pinterest.

To design your very own custom Pinterest blog post cover images, look at sites like Canva.

13. Sign Up for “RICH PINS”

"Rich Pins" are fantastic as they are better. The good news is that they include your website's name in bold, your favicon, and a brief description of additional details from your website like article summaries, product specifics, etc.  

These pins look professional and provide additional information to your potential customers and readers. Anytime you update a post/page attached to a rich pin, the bolt automatically updates itself.

Look at the following example, it has a bold title and then a different description as well as the website listed, this is how Rich Pin set up shows up.

To start using RICH PINS, convert your business account as specified in the first point, and then Pinterest will provide a walkthrough of how to start using rich pins!

14. Use Super Handy Feature “SECRET BOARDS” for Most Irrelevant Personal Boards

It always pays to have consistent, bright, colorful, and high-quality pins on your boards. But, there are times when you pin something that has got nothing to do with your brand. For all of these activities, you can create a "secret" board that you can see only.

To do this, whenever you pin something new, scroll down to “create a board” and then tick where it says “secret.”







It got super cluttered and visually overwhelming, trying to have more than one Pinterest graphic per post. But with this fun little Squarespace hack, I’m able to keep my post clean and give my readers the option for what they Pin. Isn’t that wonderful?

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